8 of the Venomous Snakes in the United States

By Manish Choudhary

1. Timber Rattlesnake 

A snake with a big head found in the Eastern US that can hurt your tissues and blood. 

2. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake 

A really big snake in the Southeastern US that can hurt you inside and make you bleed. 

3. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 

A grumpy snake in the Southwest US that can hurt your body and might kill you. 

4. Copperhead 

A brown-patterned snake in the East and central US that swells you up and can be dangerous. 

5. Cottonmouth 

A dark and scary snake near water in the Southeastern US that makes you bleed and can kill if not treated. 

6. Mojave Rattlesnake 

A desert snake in the Mojave Desert that can make you stop breathing and moving. 

7. Tiger Rattlesnake 

A stripy snake in Arizona and Mexico that can make you stop moving and hurt your insides. 

8. Harlequin Coral Snake 

A colorful-banded snake in the Southeastern US that's small but very dangerous, can stop you from breathing.